Clark Beaumont, the Brisbane-based collaborative duo of Nicole Beaumont and Sarah Clark, explore ideas and constructs surrounding identity, female subjectivity, intimacy and interpersonal relationships. In Feeling It Out, the artists use performance and video, to investigate emotion, power and ephemerality; experimenting with possible future selves, appropriating motivational speeches from popular filmic culture and standing still in solidarity, in order to reflect upon the individual and intersubjective experiences that contribute to their collaborative practice. The duo are the subjects of their work, and their collaboration means exploring the social and physical dynamics of working together to create artwork. Along with this, Clark Beaumont engage with, re-appropriate and re-contextualise screen-based cultures as a tool to negotiate identity and communication in a contemporary context.
Clark Beaumont formed in 2010 and have since presented live performances, videos and installations nationally, in both group and solo shows, including at SafARI (2012), Boxcopy (2012), PICA (2013), and Bus Projects (2013), as well as internationally, at Jiwar, Spain (2013). In 2013, Clark Beaumont were also the 13th artist added to the 13 Rooms exhibition, curated by Hans Ulrich Obrist and Klaus Biesenbach.