LATE VIDEO: ONE AFTER ANOTHER is an invitation to stay back later than usual at Kings Artist-Run Gallery. KINGS ARI provides beanbags, pillows and a drink or two. Our friends below at SHANGHAI MASTER provide dumplings and THE MELBOURNE VIDEO SOCIETY present two nights of curated video-art
Featuring video based artwork by
Polly Stanton
Georgina Criddle
David Berka
Diego Ramirez (Co-Curator of MVAS)
Matthew Berka (Co-Curator of MVAS)
About the society: : The Melbourne Video Art Society is an ARI directed by Diego Ramirez and Matthew Berka with the intention to promulgate and diffuse local and global contemporary video art practices. Their mission is to present various art works via screenings and events based on several thematic frameworks that provide a context and overview of the work(s), exploring the lineage the work(s) may have in a broader video art narrative. Promoting and advocating a video art culture network for emerging video art practitioners, a forum to discuss, receive critical feedback on work and promote exhibitions and share ideas.
THE MELBOURNE VIDEO ART SOCIETY & KINGS ARTIST RUN would like to acknowledge the support of the City of Melbourne.