During the recent soccer world cup the media likened the sport to a religion, even comparing some stars of the game to Jesus. Soccer’s ability to wield power and followings in a manner similar to religious groups, even having their own pin-up boys, forms the central discussion of this project, with comparisons between all facets of these organisations being made. At the basis is the questioning of how individuals are influenced and moulded through their experiences and interactions. What is the attraction to being involved and exposed to groups which contain these higher figures of authority and adoration and why do people have this desire to be included in the group. Utilising drawing, painting, collage and installation, both immediate research based sketches as well as works that are a manifestation of these enquiries will be presented. What power we give something can as easily be taken away. In our ever shifting and disposable western society we are forever searching for the Jesus of today, only to replace him later in the week if we find a bigger better version.
Overall Jesus rating
Kate Price
10 April 2015–02 May 2015
10 April 2015–02 May 2015