The artists in Phase Space examine the tensions and possibilities of urban space through virtual and filmic representations. Contemporary sociological accounts of urban space advance the notion of a ‘mobility turn’. By this account, life, and urban life in particular, is conceived as sets of relations between people, objects, signs and systems. The city may be conceived in terms of dense relations between these social elements, each of which are themselves in constant circulation, and in shifting relations with one another. However, these relational elements are also subject to confinement, thereby challenging neoliberal claims to a smooth space of free and unhindered action. These forces of movement and containment operate in a field termed a ‘phase space’. This exhibition proceeds by examining how images structure an understanding of lived reality, specifically urban realities, while also positing alternative experiences, rather than simply reflecting the status quo.
Phase space
CUSS Group
Firas Shehadeh
Gerald Machona
Joe Hamilton
Larissa Sansour
30 October 2015–21 November 2015
Firas Shehadeh
Gerald Machona
Joe Hamilton
Larissa Sansour
30 October 2015–21 November 2015