Performance, private and the political is a group exhibition that covers seemingly diverse ground: the casino, reflective and conspiratorial; the stadium, simultaneously farcical and heroic; the personal touch and dramatic gestures of the domestic space; and the incomplete, but satisfying, places that materialize from the artist’s exploration. The artists will negotiate these apparent differences through the physical arrangement of the work in the gallery space and by exploiting the formal links (the casino’s glossy disguise mirrors the fizzing delight of a simple glass of coca cola, which in its cylindrical shape mimics the stadium ring). Each work contemplates not only the artifice of contemporary life but also what is left when we peel away the pretense. Performance, Private and the Political manoeuvres around our personal lives, how we exhibit ourselves to others, and our position in the world. The artists use video, found and everyday materials, painting, ceramics, constructions and manufactured objects.
Performance, private and the political
Alice O’Connor
Karen Wells
Paula Hunt
Preyada Appiwatanattam
06 March 2015–28 March 2015
Karen Wells
Paula Hunt
Preyada Appiwatanattam