Erika Scott (b 1987, Biloela) is an artist based on Ngudooroo (Lamb Island, QLD). Scott works in sculpture and installation and her visual language unfolds through a variety of media, reassembling and modifying discarded household objects, furniture and popular culture debris – to develop elaborate surfaces and forms that teeter between ‘image and object, the organic and artificial, form and anti-form’. Erika Scott was a co-founder and director of the Artist Run Initiative Accidentally Annie St Space in Brisbane (2008-2015) and Scott also founded the ARI The Soylent Spot that directed projects on an apartment block rooftop in Brisbane between 2015-2020. Scott has exhibited in the emerging category of the 2016 Redlands Konica Minolta Art Prize in Sydney, The Royal Queensland Show’s Pisciculture competition and was included in the group exhibition ‘On Fire: Climate and Crisis’ 2021 at the Institute of Modern Art, Brisbane.